CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing

Project Introduction
The CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing will collaborate with the Hospital Authority to improve the quality of end-of-life care in community and hopsitals in New Territories East cluster. Enhancing the capacity of healthcare professional in providing end-of-life care service and educating patients, family members and the public on how to face death are key factors on improving the quality of end-of-life care. Therefore, a mindset change of healthcare professionals and enhancement of service model in handling patients in hospital will be important. It is hoped that the programme implemented in the New Territories East cluster will serve as a useful model for other clusters to consider and adopt in future.
Project Objectives
- To empower and change the mindset of healthcare professionals, patients and family members in both hospital and residential care home for elders setting in NTE cluster on the significance of quality end-of-life care through seminars and workshops
- To help the healthcare professional on identifying patients in need and encourage the communication between patients, family members and the healthcare professionals, and to promote advance directive
- To work with Hospital Authority on improving the end-of-life care service in cluster hospitals and ensure sustainable development of the service
Target Service Users
Policymakers, health administrators, healthcare professionals, patients, family members and the public
Service Components
Seminars, workshops and support group will be run for different target users:
- Hospital staff and RCHE staff
- Family members and end-of-life patients
- Older people and their families members
Capacity Building and Education Programmes
The CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing, established in 2014, will implement a series of capacity building programmes to enhance the abilities of healthcare workers responsible for providing End-of-Life Care in hospital, institutional as well as home-based care settings. The program will make use of a comprehensive top-to-bottom approach to target the policymakers, health administrators, healthcare professionals, patients and their family members through seminars, workshops, public forums and information sessions. It will be implemented in the New Territories East Cluster Hospitals of the Hospital Authority, with evaluations of its benefits and potential transferability and applicability to other hospital clusters in the future.
- How to identify people who are at the end of life
- Understanding physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs of end-of-life patients
- How to improve the quality of life of end-of-life patients
- Symptoms management
- How to deal with unfinished business of end-of-life patients
- How to deal with emotions of end-of-life patients/ family members
- Advance care planning
- Use of advance directives
- Use of power of attorney
- How to initiate discussions towards the end of life with patients and family members
Tel: 3943 9210; Email: ioa@cuhk.edu.hk (Office Hour: Monday to Friday 9am – 5:30pm)